Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Office Supply-Meet Old Friend

You know,I feel like I've been past 
Phil's on 47th Street a thousand times- maybe because in
NYC there really are so many wonderful businesses
still lingering with an innocence of a time before now.
And well Phil's represents all that.
When Michael from A Continuous Lean posted this, 
I knew exactly what he meant and I loved it all....

"The place is an amazing cluster**** of boxes and dusty office supplies — some that clearly have been sitting there for years. It seems to stay afloat by supplying the diamond district with all sorts of specialty office supplies. The “office” in the back (if you can call it an office) is even more messy and completely old-school charming. There are boxes and boxes askew and four or five Windows ‘95 era computers stacked on top of other stacks of old boxes".
I simply love places like this that stand by and embrace
 the independent manufactures. 
So much 'stuff' to look at and ponder- some I need, much I don't.
Is it Staples? No.  And that is a good thing.
I understand we cannot always  stand in the way of change,
however when you can, try to frequent those business' that 
are still playing the game- whether they're in it for the money or not.
For your sake, not theirs.
When I need a fix of nostalgia locally,
 I check out Patrick and Co since 1873.
Stepping into Patrick's is like stepping back to 1972.
For a store that has been around this long, they've done a great job of 
blending old to new and never fail to have what I'm looking for. 
Except for the disarray and clutter- you know what I mean, right?    

560 Market San Francisco.

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