Friday, May 7, 2010

Strange But Clever

Agent Provocateur Throws a Car Wash
There's a sexy car wash happening in Soho; too bad it's only for mannequins. Heralding the arrival of hotter temperatures, the Agent Provocateur store on Mercer Street brought out their swimwear for the windows, items which are actually only slightly less racy than the actual lingerie.
The swimsuit over on Miss Butt-in-the-air is the "Tatum," with a bondage feel and a strap around your waist. It's $330. The buxom one on the left is wearing the basic Tatum bikini, $250. We'd be working hard for the money to buy swimsuits like that too, but then who has ever seen a bikini car wash in Manhattan, anyway? Do those happen here? We'd probably just walk right on by anyway, thinking it was a movie filming or something.
· Agent Provocateur's Naughty Eye Exam [Racked NY]

via Racked

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Conran's New Diggs

It's great that Conrans is now in the thick of it 
with their new diggs at ABC Carpet and Home.
Although it is sad that they are no longer in the 
glass enclosed space at the foot of the Queesbourough Bridge.
It makes a lot of sense and by the look of these photos,
they've settled in nicely, right?

The Conran Shop 888 Broadway, NY, NY
For more yummy photos and details Racked has it nailed.

Sad But True

Such a beautiful, quiet,elegant and hip store.
You will be missed.

Details available at Racked

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Doc in Town

These Boots were made
 for Haight Street.
Iconic Stompy-McStomperson-Riot-Grrl-Punk-New-Wave-Every-Counterculture-Ever footwear company Dr. Martens opens its doors today on San Francisco's Haight Street—itself a symbol of non-conformity, rebellion, and counterculture, the old stomping ground of Janis Joplin and The Grateful Dead.
The shoe brand, gone mainstream in the last 20 year, has set up shop just down the road from Ben & Jerry's and Kid Robot, and the store is kitted out with furniture and fixtures inspired by old factories and industrial spaces in Northamptonshire, England. The Haight Street store will also be the home to exclusive designer + Docs collaborations—watch this space.
via Racked 
Dr. Martens [Official Site]
1621 Haight Street

Great place for Uber/Counter  chic,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Gant on Bleeker NYC

The new Rugger store by  Gant just opened
on Bleeker Street, New York

"The new downtown store is all inspired by GANT’s industrial past, with all sorts of factory like decor and a fitting room fashioned as a foreman’s office complete with archival order forms and historical press clippings. "
There is a great post about  the new diggs 
along with great photos  from Michael at 

Check it out.