Agent Provocateur Throws a Car Wash
There's a sexy car wash happening in Soho; too bad it's only for mannequins. Heralding the arrival of hotter temperatures, the Agent Provocateur store on Mercer Street brought out their swimwear for the windows, items which are actually only slightly less racy than the actual lingerie.
The swimsuit over on Miss Butt-in-the-air is the "Tatum," with a bondage feel and a strap around your waist. It's $330. The buxom one on the left is wearing the basic Tatum bikini, $250. We'd be working hard for the money to buy swimsuits like that too, but then who has ever seen a bikini car wash in Manhattan, anyway? Do those happen here? We'd probably just walk right on by anyway, thinking it was a movie filming or something.
· Agent Provocateur's Naughty Eye Exam [Racked NY]
· Agent Provocateur's Naughty Eye Exam [Racked NY]
via Racked