Ahh April!
For many it is feeling like the
winter will never end but here in California it is feeling like
the middle of summer (at least this week).
To me, April is always associated with
the spring break road trips- like the ones we took with the kids,
Palm Springs, the college town (and food ) tour from Georgia
to Indiana,
the amusement park tour (Ross and kids)...
it is also the time of year, where I can't get enough of
local nurseries, seed banks, gardening and
getting my hands dirty along with plenty of sweat equity.
It is the time of year to take stock of details~
prepare for the next two seasons
as we will fill them with outdoor living,
the friends and family
who mean so much.
With that in mind, I am on hiatus...
taking time to listen to the birds sing,
go exploring and of course, smell the roses.
Here's to hoping you get out and do the same.